
We leverage our experience to resolve focused areas of challenges commonly faced by BioTechs and MedTechs:
R&D Program Delivery

M&A Deals Advisory

Public Company Transformation
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R&D Program Delivery

Late-stage development trials demand immense levels of coordination between functions - Clinical, Regulatory, ClinOps, Manufacturing and Commercial. Countless programs have failed in bringing their assets to market due to weak cross-functional dynamics. This results in delayed progress and budget overspend.
An experienced cross-functional Program Lead is a vital lynchpin to rally the various functions for delivery. Companies have mistakenly treated this role as project management. Instead, a seasoned lead should be able to pre-emptively anticipate roadblocks and fill gaps that fall outside of the functional lines. Despite the criticality of such a role, it might be challenging to justify the long-term hire of the right senior talent for a single asset until a fuller portfolio is in place at your company.  

I can provide such program leadership support for targeted periods. This can be structured by phases against milestones based on your needs:

1. Clinical trial delivery
2. Regulatory submission packet
3. Product launch transition

Services range from light-touch advising on specific deliverables like the integrated product development strategy, establishment of a cross-functional program team or fully fledged interim development program lead role.  

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M&A Deals Advisory 

Success in maximizing value capture for M&A relies on being able to articulate a clear rationale for deal strategy, linking that to finding right targets, then being able to execute on the value capture plan. Many deals fail to deliver on value due to weak rationales for synergies, inadequate diligences on downside assumptions, and inability to mobilize sufficiently for execution.

I can provide end-to-end support across the deal cycle based on extensive work in due diligences & post-merger integrations across pharmaceuticals, biotechs, medical devices and diagnostics sectors:

1. Deal strategy: develop funnel of inorganic opportunities based on your company’s overarching strategy, including establishment of serial acquisition capabilities.

2. Due Diligences: Strategic, Operational, Technical and Commercial Diligences once targets are selected to provide transaction confidence

3. Integration Management: Day 1 planning, Synergy identification / Value Capture plan, PMO establishment 

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Public Company Transformation

Companies transition from being a “big-small company” to a “small-big company” when they become public. This involves profound changes, that even companies that start running like public entities pre-IPO, struggle to cope with. My past role as Chief of Staff to the CEO of a public company has provided me the experience to support your transition. Some common activities include:

1. Board Management & Investor Relations: Board restructuring for fiduciary reporting, compliance, governance and growth. Investor narratives that substantiate guidance.
2. Portfolio Management: systematic way to evaluate business cases in a consistent and standardized approach, rationalization of legacy portfolio
3. Back-office Outsourcing / Off-shoring: re-architect in-house back-office functions (e.g., IT, HR, Finance) and home-grown systems to run more efficient and support future expansion
4. Serial M&A Program: leverage advantage of increased liquidity of public markets to establish systematic serial inorganic strategy
5. Human Capital Strategy: talent strategy, workforce / succession planning

Enacting all these changes in a short period of time seem daunting, but that is necessary to maximize your company’s potential. Services range from initial diagnostics for priorities to specific deliverables (e.g., on-boarding BoDs, investor day preparation, establish programs like portfolio management, back-office outsourcing, etc.) 

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Turnarounds work against an extremely tight timeline. The Value Creation plan developed in diligence needs to be validated, then translated into a realistic bottom-up list of initiatives swiftly. Generally there is no single magic bullet, instead it requires firing on several cylinders simultaneously that collectively add up to meet the targets. This entails a huge amount of discipline, clear communications of objectives and rallying of the entire organization to make necessary changes while staying focus on maintaining the business.

I can orchestrate and manage the turnarounds of distressed healthcare companies based on past experiences leading such transformations in executive roles:

Phase I: Translation of top-down value creation plan into bottom-up initiatives to achieve targets. Includes validating assumptions, identifying gaps against targets, and developing options to close gaps.
Phase 2: Conversion of collective bottom-up initiatives into an execution plan with timelines, $ targets and owners.
Phase 3: Establishment of “Project war-room” to get organization mobilized for execution, tracking / reporting.
Phase 4: Transition back into business-as-usual mode for longer term 

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